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Taunusanlage 9-10
60329 Frankfurt am Main



069 2168-0 


The server for this website is located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The turnover tax number of the OWH SE i.L., Frankfurt am Main, (according to Article 22 (1) of the sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC) of 17 May 1977 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes) is DE 114104505.

OWH SE i.L. is a public company under European law and has its headquarter in Frankfurt am Main. The company is registered with the number HRB 12169 at the register of companies in Frankfurt am Main and is authorized by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority) to provide banking transactions and financial services. Liquidators: Frank Hellwig (Special Representative of BaFin), Miro Zadro. Chairman of the supervisory board and Special Representative of BaFin: Dr. Peter Schad.

Legal information

OWH SE i.L. continually checks and updates the information on its website. While every care is taken, no guarantee or liability is accepted for the topicality, correctness or completeness of the information made available on this site. This also applies to websites to which the website links. OWH SE i.L. accepts no responsibility for the content of websites to which it links. Responsibility for the content of websites to which the bank links lies solely with their operators. OWH SE i.L. also reserves the right to make changes and to supplement the information published. 

The content and design of the website belonging to OWH SE i.L. are protected under copyright. Multiplication of the information or data appearing on this site, in particular the use of text, text titles or picture material, requires prior permission from OWH SE i.L..

European Online Dispute-Resolution

The European Commission has established under the link… an Online Dispute-Resolution (OS-Platform). Consumer can use this platform for out-of-court dispute-resolution of online contracts with EU-based companies.

Deposit Protection

OWH SE i.L. is a member of the Compensation Scheme of German Banks and of the Deposit Protection Fund of Private Banks.